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Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Caveman Prayer

Have you ever prayed in a cave? Yesterday I did.

You may know that I've been praying the Psalms everyday for the last year and a half. I've noticed that some of David's best prayers were in a cave, like Psalm 57 and 142 (and probably others like Psalm 27 and 61).

So I figured that to be "a man of prayer" (Psalm 109:4) like David it might help if I spent some time being "a caveman" like him!

Indeed, meditating on Psalm 57 in a cave for a couple of hours helped me to connect more deeply with what it means to make God my refuge. I realized that God is more than a cave I can flee to in order to escape my troubles. In all the situations of my life I can find refuge in God through prayer, snuggling under His wings and walking in His shadow. David models for us that this is the way to awaken His dawn from deep within - in the midst of any situation we may find ourselves in.

My Prayer Poem based on Psalm 57 expresses this:

The Cave
In a cave
Surrounded by lions
Under His wings

In the dark
Assaulted by accusations
Following His shadow

In my soul
Troubled by hardships
Joining His prayers

In the night
Besieged by lies
Awakening His dawn

As you pray today, both in your devotions and as you go about your day, imagine yourself hidden in a secret cave with God as your refuge. What is this like for you?


  1. I felt very protected and calm talking to God in "my imaginary cave". All sound and worldly influences were not in my cave; just God and myself.

    I recall as a child, pulling the covers over my head, like in a tent and I had a penlight flashlight in my tent. It was quiet and I was removed to a special place that was my private place.

    The experience of praying as you sugested, Dr Bill, as though in a cave with God, was very good and, as I said, took me back to a happy childhood place that I loved, my 'bed tent'.
    I could think well and happily there and "in my cave", I could pray clearly and happily there!

    I shall return to the cave again from time to time, now.

  2. I have been back to "the cave" and found God was there with me. Interestingly, I have come closer to the feeling of God everywhere as opposed to in Heaven "looking down on us".

    Having read Psalm 57 again, David seems to see God truly as being within us ("For great is your love, reaching to the heavens, your faithfulness reaches the skies".) Perhaps this can also be read as God receiving our love and faithfulness for Him but I like to feel God is truly here and everywhere, not just somewhere else that we will get to as 'Heaven'. I like to think of not just our love and faithfulness to God but also His love and faithfulness to us being and reaching out from us and from Him wherever we might be.

    Certainly, I wish a greater union with God in 'Heaven' but I do not believe we have to wait 'til then to have an ever stronger relationship. As an analogy, I have never met you Dr Bill but I enjoy your site and insight, your poetry and perhaps we will meet in person but that will not be the beginning of knowing eachother. It is happening through this website you have.

    Hope this all makes sense to any readers.

  3. Thanks for joining me in the cave of the Lord Jan-Michael! Good thoughts.

  4. took me a few weeks to process this one. Had to get past the cave part...claustrophobic and need sunshine =).

    Anyhow, being with God hidden away in a safe place. Nothing else matters. Safe.



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