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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Live Worry-Free

Can we live without worry? The answer must be yes or Jesus wouldn't have said, "Do not worry."

Do you know what he said next?

"Look at the birds!" Yes, Jesus told us to become birdwatchers! It's hard to watch a bird and worry at the same time! They flutter from branch to branch so graciously. They sing so beautifully. They fly in the sky so wonderfully.

Ahhhh! I love the birds! Thank you Lord for your peace! Jesus knew what he was talking about: the same Father God who cares for the birds cares for you and I.

Listen in on some bird talk and relax in Abba's arms...

“Said the Robin to the Sparrow:
‘I should really like to know
Why these anxious human beings
Rush about and worry so.’

Said the Sparrow to the Robin:
‘Friend, I think that it must be
That they have no Heavenly Father
Such as cares for you and me’”

Does God minister to you through birds?


  1. Yes. It's called El Pollo Loco!

    Seriously, God does use birds to minister to me. There comes to mind one specific incident. I had just finished a very stressful week, and went to a quiet park with my journal, with the intention of writing to process some of what had happened. Not long after I started, I saw a grey dove walking about five feet in front of me. I sensed God telling me that this is not the time to re-hash the stress, but to rest in Him. Suddenly the stressors of the week seemed very insignificant.

  2. Our feathered friends are a source of joy and inspiration for me, too! The sound of chirping or singing early in the morning or anytime of day is a call to listen to God's blessings; to set aside any worrying thoughts for the moment or if I too am having happy thoughts anyway, then notice how the birdies have augmented my mood even higher!

    Occasionally, an injured bird is seen in my garden or at a park. If the bird can move along, it does so and with the same perky sense as other birds. If a young fledgling has fallen, the other birds circle and try to protect the one that has fallen.

    Yes, the birds never seem to give up hope. They keep trying to do whatever they can to carry on their natural life. And when they are at the end or nearing the end they seem at peace. They accept help as when I found an injured bird and put it in a shoebox filled with leaves. The bird did not try to peck at me but was trusting it seemed.

    I believe God is lifting us up at times and I try to not think I have had a coincidental good fortune but that God created a world where He or His world design is always there to help us if we just have trust and faith that, as Dr Bill has reminded us of what Jesus said, "Do not worry. Look at the birds"!

    God is blessing us! Thank you for the reminder of those words Dr Bill!

    With Love and Shalom

  3. Love Eagles.They remind me of a couple things... that God will cover and protect us. Eagles also remind me to wait on God...for renewed strength when exhausted. It is an awesome mind picture to be soaring with the eagles even when life wants to try to clip your wings.



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