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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hurry Sickness

Hurry sickness is rampant today in our culture. We rush from thing to thing. We try to get more done in less time. We use adrenaline (and caffeine) to pump us up and makes us feel alive and powerful.

Hurry sickness is bad for our health. It diminishes soul. And it destroys our relationships with one another and with God.

For most of my life I've done this. But I've been learning to stay out of the fast lane, to walk slower, and to pause to breathe and to pray.

In the Gospels I see that Jesus was never in a hurry - except at the end of his life when he headed toward Jerusalem to embrace his cross! (We tend to do the opposite by hurring into pleasures and achievements and refusing to deny ourselves.) Jesus always had time to enjoy people and to care for them. He always had time to pray.

What a joy it is when we learn to enjoy the moment with God!

What's your experience?


  1. Priorities in life! Yes, sometimes, a lot of the time 'Life' seems to get in the way of following or even setting my priorities.

    Today, for instance; A friend who is at the other end of Canada from me emailed very upset. His wife walked out after a fight and he has not heard from her in 3 days; I have MS and live in a 3 story house with stair glides and the one that gets me to a level I mostly use broke down. What do I do first?

    Well, a few years ago I read or learned to practice deep breathing and writing down stuff like "Top five things I like to do and when did I last do them?"... "Family and friends I like to see and when did we last get together?"

    This helps me and I have added in the last few months, talking to God through the day. And it works well for my ability to keep life situations in perspective.

    I stop at least 3 times a day and just talk or pray to God, and He answers in my heart I believe because several times all of a sudden or the next morning I know the direction to go when I thought there was no direction or it was going to be too hard.

    Today, I firstly prayed for my friend and his wife and asked that I find the right words to answer my friend. I did not email but phoned and it was a long talk but I think he felt better that I called.

    Secondly, I called to get my stair glide fixed.

    I have to write my lists and have found that by having written lists, when a day like today happens, I already know! My friend comes first and just pick up the phone! That was the No 1 priority. A person who was upset. Then, my
    little problem that started out Big I thought, a stair glide, seemed less a problem and I just called the repair man. Easy!

    Yeah, life takes over plans sometimes but I know if I take a breath, pray and put God into the picture, it will be a clearer picture and the windows of opportunity to get the right stuff done right will be clearer, not foggy afterall.

    Thanks Dr Bill for your thoughts and letting us know we are not alone in finding sometimes in life getting the right stuff done is hard for us all, but putting God into the picture sure helps.


  2. Thanks for sharing Jan-Michael. It's encouraging to see how you're growing in your prayer life and learning to practice God's presence.



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