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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Trailblazing in the Forest

While Kristi and I were in the mountains last weekend I worked on the hiking trail that I made a couple of years ago. It's a about a mile long loop that goes through the national forest property behind her family's cabin. (It ties into some dirt fire roads so I didn't have to blaze the whole trail!)

I so enjoy this trail that meanders through towering cedars, pine, and oak trees and opens into blue skies and views of Lake Arrowhead way below. And because its spring there were dogwood trees in bloom and wildflowers everywhere!

Of all the trails that I walk, hike, or jog this is my favorite because I designed and built it and maintain it! I love taking family and friends on the trail. The thought of people I don't even know using the trail brings a smile to my face. God has created us to be creative along with him and so it's no wonder that we find such joy in creating anything that is beautiful or helpful.

My hope is that others who walk the trail will appreciate nature's beauty and be drawn closer to God as I am. Beauty inspires us to give thanks and praise to our Creator. This is why the Psalms and parables of Jesus and all of Scripture are full of references to nature.

For me trails represent finding our way in life - they're symbols of prayer. For instance, the Psalms are prayer paths. And the Lord's Prayer is a basket of five spiritual trails: thanks and praise, submission to God, petition, confession, and overcoming sin.

How do you connect with God in nature? What helps you to walk the path of life with Jesus?


  1. How do you connect with God in nature? What helps you to walk the path of life with Jesus?I connect with God in nature by allowing all my senses to be heightened, aware of what is happening. The trees swaying, it's God's timing. The ants scurrying, God's programing. The placement of the hills, God's landscape skills.

    Honestly i just love enjoying the time outside to see God's handy work. I enjoy God's humor and creativity. I enjoy this in the people I see too. Keeps me enjoying the Master and His work all around!

    His Peace



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