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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Talk to Your Soul in Prayer, Part 1

In the Psalms, the Bible's great "soul book," the psalmist talks to his soul (as if it were another person) as he prays to God. He recruits his soul to be alert before God:
“Awake, my soul! Awake harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn” (Psalm 57:8)

Praying the Psalms I discovered that eleven times the Psalmist awakens his soul to God by crying out, "O my soul!"

I have found it helpful to talk to my soul in prayer, to get myself to be alert before God so that I can connect with him and follow Christ. Praying the Psalms really helps me to awaken to God's presence.

What helps to awaken your soul to God?


  1. Before prayer often I try to concentrate on something wonderful that has happened to someone somewhere; that I can give thanks for that event or that person. I prefer to be really happy before prayer but often it is something sad that has happened and I want to talk to God about it. I want to try to receive in quiet prayer some inspiration as to how I might help allieviate or prevent a future similar hurt. So, I guess I sometimes need to feel a wrenching in my soul, either exhilerating joy or 'painful' sadness.

    I know however, I am often happiest in prayer after following a new book I have, The Bible As Prayer: A Handbook for Lectio Divina by Stephen Hough, otherwise the concert pianist. I love the methodology, reading a short part of The Bible, thinking about it and allowing the context to lead me to prayer. I am going to try the Psalms readings before prayer and I hope that too will prepare my soul which needs some preparation as the days activities often get stuck in my thoughts and I want them out of my thoughts if they are just routine events of life.

    Thanks for this blog and tonight I will read The Psalms as I prepare for prayer.

    With Love and Shalom

    PS Anyone who wants to try the book... search and the soft cover runs about $15.00

  2. I remember reading "No Holds Barred: Wrestling with God in Prayer" by Mark D. Roberts, former pastor of Irvine Presbyterian Church. The book walks the reader through how praying the Psalms can transform their prayer life. I remember reading one of the chapters of that book, and having probably one of the most honest prayers with God that I had in a long time, daring to ask God why things in my life were as they were, and to PROVE to me what my purpose in following Him is. Well, not long after that He answered, and I began a process that helped me gain focus and direction in my life.

    Another thing that helps to awaken my soul is, oddly enough, praying and journaling in a cemetery. It's a place of quiet and beauty, and if I get emotional or want to sing aloud, others that might be around don't necessarily see it as "unusual" behavior.

  3. Finally figured out how to post here...

    Dr. Bill you asked me to post my question here...
    so here it is..

    Regarding your post in OC, you asked about talking to ones' soul. I responded with...
    what if your soul is broken or dead

    can't hear anything from it
    it's been like this for a long time
    I'm not even sure God hears me anymore.
    I am struggling with what little faith I have. Seems all I'm destined for is pain.

  4. Jan-Michael, another follower of this site to Brkenheartedo: While you wait or perhaps hear privately from Dr Bill, can I offer that I can see you are really hurting, but if as you say "your soul is broken or dead", I think the fact that you are looking for an answer to how to "talk to your soul" is proof that your soul is not "dead"! I believe you are speaking from your soul on this site. I believe you may be where I was after a tragic time when my Grandson was suddenly in a coma and after a week by his side praying and holding his hand, playing taped music that maybe he would be hearing and stimulated to brain waves, he was gone! "How could this be?" I was numb and just going through the motions of what arrangements were needed but felt emotionally "Brokenhearted" and "dead".

    It was my soul crying out, not dead and a dialogue of sorts in my mind began. A lot of questions but after realizing I was finding the friend within me to privately express my anger, frustrations and loss of direction and realized the friend was "my soul" I eventually could talk to others and find a path to a sense of healing and the pain eased.

    Hope this may be of some help dear Brokenheartedo.

    With Love and prayers for you...Jan-Michael

  5. What awakens my soul to be prepared for prayer is something very simple, yet very complex as well. During the day I am in a continual state of prayer as I use "breath prayers" and "prayer arrows" for myself and those the Lord places upon my heart. This state of constant communion with our Father is very comforting to me and I feel closer to Him and my day goes much better when I am in this process of prayer. But, there are days when I fail miserably by not keeping my eyes upon Him and letting my heart be overwhelmed by the world around me. I confess my failure and seek His Presence and begin anew. How gracious is our Father of infinite chances for new beginnings!

    The most touching times when I am preparing my heart for prayer brings to mind the first few verses of the 23rd Psalm. Because I am such a person who so enjoys our Father's creation, I find that in nature, I am always at peace. The lines of Scripture in this passage bring that peace that I so desire to me as I envision the words, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in the green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul." I am very fond of small bodies of water, ponds, streams, small lakes and waterfalls. So, when I want to be at peace before I pray, alot of the time, I imagine myself being transported by our Father to a small, clear, treelined pond in a woods with birds singing all around me, their joyous melodies of praise. And my heart becomes very still and I am ready to praise the Lord and ready to meet Him in prayer.

    Another, and possibly the most dramatic complex and important times of prayer for me, are when I feel the Lord asking me to lay prostrate at His feet to pray. This is the most intimate and heartwrenching praying that comes to me.

    We all know the sweetness and the joy we feel when we know we are going "home" to visit our parents. We know that "going home" feels so good to us, such a comfort and we know we will find such love there. This is what I feel during this season of prayer lying face down before our Father and seeking His will for my life and for those He places upon my heart. This is my "going home" time to be with my Father. This is a very humbling experience for me. I feel His Presence with me so strongly at these beautiful moments. My tears fall freely, whether through heartbreaking petition or from the joy of this going home feeling, but they are cleansing my mind, my body and my soul and these tears are welcome. My soul is awakened to the pure joy of knowing that my Father in heaven accepts me just the way I am and loves me unconditionally. And it also gives me such a feeling of peace knowing that those whom I am praying for also have this same unconditional love.

    It is a feeling of awe and inspiration when we humble ourselves before our Father. I always know He is pleased because He wants to be loved just as we do. And how sweet it is when I lay my heart open for Jesus to come in and share in my joy. He is healing me from all my hurts and allowing me the privilege in knowing He is listening and working to bring my heart's desires to fruition according to His precious will. These are two very special ways in which my soul is awakened for prayer. I pray this helps someone in some way as it is such a blessing to meet our Father in the quietness of our souls.

  6. brokenhearted, the way that your soul comes to life is through being in caring relationships.

    You need to bond with loving people and with God, learning to trust and to internalize care. And you need to agree with the care - this is where "soul talk" comes in.

    When someone listens to you smile and say, "Thank you!" When someone offers you a word of affirmation or encouragement repeat it to yourself often and thank God for it.

    Find Scripture verses that soothe your broken heart with God's love and then memorize them and meditate on them over and over, thanking God for his mercy and kindness to you.



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