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Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Grate-full Day!

Recently at the Crystal Cathedral's Conference on Care & Kindness I attended a presentation by Robert Emmons a social scientist who has studied gratitude the last ten years. He's found scientific proof for what the Bible teaches: gratefulness is good for the soul! Grateful people - including those who are experiencing suffering and injustice - are happy, more loving, healthier, and they live longer.

And each of us can learn to cultivate an attitude of thankfulness. One important way to do this is to make a list each day of things that you're thankful for. Be creative with your list, trying to identify different things each day (you'll have to be very specific!). And make your list a prayer of thanks to God. You'll be blessed and so will others!

Something I'm thankful for today are words I read in Psalm 33 this morning: "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth" (verse 6). What a wonder that the Almighty Lord who breathed the stars into the heavens also breathed his life into our souls! Thank you Lord!

What is something in particular that are you thankful for today?


  1. So what we need is to develop "An attitude of gratitude"! (I must have heard that from you Dr Bill or at Crystal Cathedral)....

    Anyway, I am so grateful that Donna's Blog and video has found its way to me and others this Easter season. I am also happy that RHS now has a Twitter site. It seems all the Schullers are finding new paths and that opens new roads for all of us following their Ministries.

    The good news just keeps getting better.

    With the Love of Christ and Shalom to all,

  2. I am thankful for the times that when struggling really hard in my relationship with Him and other things, He shoots a star across the sky (something I love), and helps me to realize everything is okay. I know some of them have been just for me.... one occurred in just the same second as a song that talked about His wonders was going through my head....timing perfect. It lifted my heart and made my steps lighter.



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