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Monday, April 27, 2009

Do you see God smiling at you?

One of my favorite ways to pray is to imagine Jesus' smiling at me.

As I've said before, I pray from the Psalms everyday. The Psalms are full of prayers and meditations that refer to the Lord delighting in us, shining his favor on us, or smiling on us.

For instance, today I'm praying from Psalm 138 and have been "centering" myself (returning again and again quietly and meditatively to the prayer:
"Though the Lord is on high, he smiles upon the lowly, like me and _________." (Psalm 138:6).

To help me "see" the Lord's loving, joyful smile I have put into my personalized Psalms prayer book pictures of artists' renderings of the smile of Christ. (You can google this online!)

What a blessing this simple way of prayer is for me! It lifts me eyes to heaven. It brings a smile to my face. It makes my steps lighter - even in the midst of daily stresses and challenges and pains.

Do you ever imagine Jesus smiling at you? How does this or would this effect you?


  1. That sounds to be very uplifting and thank you for the quote which I will repeat several times in prayer, similar to when you suggested
    the repetition or reading of the following:
    "I am a beloved son of the Father and he is pleased with me". I shall enjoy imagining Jesus smiling at me!

    I have often, in my mind's eye "seen" Jesus smiling at throngs of followers or at flocks of sheep or gazing with a smile at meadows or over the waters.

    I guess I need to put myself in the picture as that would be wonderful, gazing at the face of Jesus smiling down on me.

  2. Yes, it does wonders for us when we see ourselves in the scenes of the gospels with Jesus.

  3. How does this or would this effect you? ....If I could truely imagine it, I would probably completely break down. When I was little I could see the smile,and I long to be able to see it again.

  4. Casper, I urge you to try imagining Jesus smiling his warm, welcoming love over you.

    Look at a picture.

    Look up to heaven and smile back.

    Better yet, look into your heart, imagine Jesus inside smiling to be at home with you in Spirit and smile back.

    Or remember being a child and smiling and think about the Gospel stories of Jesus caring for the children and put yourself - an "adult child" - in the story.

    Yes, it may bring sadness if you've been living without this smile. Seek his comfort and that of a trusted friend who will listen.

    The joy of the Lord will come eventually.

  5. I am happy to learn about this imaginative way of seeing Jesus. i pray that i'll be blessed as you enjoy Jesus through this way.



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