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Monday, April 6, 2009

I made a mistake and God blessed me...

Awhile ago on the Christian Soul Care Blog I referred to building a library in the loft of our home. Designing and building built-in bookcases and desks has been quite a challenge! So much measuring, cutting, staining, building...

It's a reminder of why it'd cost me upwards of $10,000 to have someone else do the work.

Yesterday, God gave me a great blessing...

I had made a mistake on my cuts for one of the base board pieces - getting those angles right, especially with a hand saw!, is difficult. So I was disappointed and frustrated when I had to set the board aside to be thrown out - along with a few others! That felt like getting a sore arm and working 30 minutes for nothing.

Of course, so much of life is like that: doing little jobs, making mistakes on things, feeling unproductive... I know that all of life is meaningful, that it's an opportunity to pray. And as I work I remind myself to pray. Sometimes on this library project I've prayed, "Lord Jesus, I want to be a good carpenter like you, to build things and people for you." But often I'm not so prayerful and just I'm just pushing through the work and getting tired, stressed, or frustrated.

So my blessing was when I realized that the "throw away" piece of wood happened to fit just right and have the angles just right for an odd section I was about to measure and cut for.

God reminded me that he redeems my mistakes and my sins; through Christ, God brings good things even out of my bad! This helps me not go into guilt or self-condemnation when I make a mistake. It's better to just run into Jesus' open arms!


  1. I always like to think that a 'rainbow' will come after anything harsh or a trying ordeal, sort of like a rainbow is most brilliant after the harshest of storms.

    We have all had harsh times and it seems that things will never get better; but God seems to show us a way to overcome our difficulties, often in the unlikliest of ways. He has so done in my life, that I know.

    Certainly, I get mad at myself or frustrated and forget that the 'rainbow' or opportunities God will offer are going to happen!

    Easter is a time I most need to remind myself that whatever happens that seems like a bad ending, will become a lesson in life or a new opportunity and even if I cannot change something that I wish I could change, I can at least learn and try to turn that 'scar into a star' as it is so often said.

    God always offers us a new beginning no matter what we have had to or do face. Thank you Dr Bill for this reminder of how God has always and will always be there, if we just stop and look for a new way to accomplish or get through a situation.

    Thank you Lord for all the rainbows I have been given. Please show rainbows to all who need one this Easter. AMEN

  2. What a timely reminder of God's grace and redemption! Thank you!



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