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Friday, August 7, 2009

Is your Soul Replenished?

Yesterday I listed to a talk that Bill Hybels gave to a group of pastors and leaders. Bill is one of the most respected pastors in the world - and rightly so. As a teenager growing up in the Chicago area I went to his church in its early years. Bill was sharing about the need for spiritual renewal in these economically stressful times.

Courageously, he confessed to being like a "Leadership-aholic." For decades as a minister he has given his all to leading others to follow Christ. And sometimes he's given too much of himself, worked too long and moved too fast, perhaps relying on adrenaline (which can be addicting) until he found himself exhausted. 20 years ago he said he wrote in his journal:

"The pace at which I'm doing the work of God is destroying the work of God in me."

Recently, he caught himself overdoing again and has been drawn by the Holy Spirit to spend more time in "slow prayer and meditation" and surrendering himself more fully to Christ. He's beginning each morning with some spacious time to connect deeply with Christ and listen to him.

He said that the best thing a leader brings is a soul replenished by God so he or she can lead others out of confidence in Christ. This means being submitted to Christ each day.

I relate to Bill's story of overworking in ministry. I find that as I pursue intimacy with Christ I am able to minister out of the overflow of Christ's ministry to me.

How about you?


  1. So true! If you're running on empty (or anything less than full), there is no overflow to give from!

  2. Although some see me as disabled now through Multiple Sclerosis, that litterally knocked me out 9 years ago, I look at it more that my overwhelming schedule before MS actually was disabling and eventually the MS has enabled me to be a more sensitive and spiritual person!

    I was so hyped up before the MS I had to have the radio on while I wrote reports for work and my mind was two steps ahead of what I was doing, running on "automatic".

    Having lost for a few years my ability to use a pen, a computer and not jump at sudden sounds like a telephone, I had to re-learn everything from how to brush my teeth and comb my hair to walking and talking and it has been a blessing!!

    Slowly, I reconnected "all the dots" and in my prayer time I learned how I was missing many of the things I wanted to do but had gotten into a "working" rut.

    Now, I have my physical problems but they are not dominating my life...I am happily reading Psalms, listening to audiobooks like At Home in Mitford and Father Tim novels by Jan Karon and trying to share my possitive view on "disability opportunities" with newly diagnosed persons. Working with Mayo Doctors
    and Yale researchers and mostly connecting all day with God in whatever I am doing, I am back to who I think I was and wanted to be before I lost my way!

    Glad to be on the right road again He has blessed me!

    God is blessing you.

    Jan-Michael (Toronto, Canada)

  3. My soul has been replenishes to overflowing with the new Robert Anthony Schuller sermon at

    The video of RAS preaching on Pain and The Sermon on the Mount just got put on St Patrick Project/ The Gathering site and I hope as many as possible see it so I have posted the site above, Dr Bill. It adds to your, always soul filling, words.

    How wonderful to see Robert so easily step in to cover for his son Bobby who was not there to preach a recent Sunday. And the message was so inspiring!

    For anyone who is suffering emotional or physical pain RAS certainly offered a soothing balm that was so well delivered!

    It is drawing viewers from CCM OneCommunity and it has answered the patient prayers of many across the world to see and hear Robert preach again.

    Looking forward to your next post but I guess in the meantime, with you, Donna, The Gathering, St Patrick Project, we can all thank the Lord for filling our cups and spirits to overflowing!

    With Love and a prayer of thanks to He who is healing us through any difficult times,

    Jan-Michael (Canada)



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