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Friday, September 11, 2009

I need a Sabbath rest!

Today is my Sabbath day to enjoy spending time with Jesus. Usually this means praying in silence and solitude for a few hours and then doing some writing or sharing in spiritual conversation with friends. I've been doing this weekly all year and it's been wonderful!

The basis of the Sabbath command (which Jesus himself practiced and he taught others to follow this example) is "do no work" or "don't be productive."

This hits me where it hurts. Have you ever heard of a "workaholic" or an "adrenaline addict"? That's me! Or, it was me some years ago. I'm in recovery and am no longer controlled by ambition and hurry and feelings of inadequacy and inability to set boundaries. But I have to watch myself! Practicing the Sabbath helps me to stay in recovery from my past addiction. It's a way to slow down and look up.

However, today I couldn't resist finishing some work before starting my Sabbath! (Thank you for reading my confession!)

Keeping a Sabbath is not a legalism about keeping a bunch of rules! It's a blessing! The Sabbath is about resting and rejoicing with God and friends. It's about praying and playing. It's about slowing down and savoring. The New Testament teaches us that a Sabbath could be taken on any day.

Times like now it's too hard for me to enter into Sabbath with my computer close by! So I'm off to go hiking with Jesus. Just the two of us in the beauty of nature!


  1. I love your reminder to stop "being productive." It rubs my American Culture the wrong way but it's so true and very meaningful. Enjoy the hike Bill!

  2. Like that Simon & Garfunkle song:

    "Slow Down, you're movin' too fast
    You've got to make the monin' last"

    I will think of you on your hikes and that will make me at peace, too....


  3. Of course that post should have read

    Slow down, you're moving too fast,
    You've got to make the morning last!

    With His Peace & Love as you enjoy your hikes

  4. Dr. Bill Gaultiere,
    I found you're blog and read your post!

    I think that the website will be of interest to you and your readers. It contains research about Ribi Yehoshua (the Messiah) from Nazareth and what he taught (including what he taught about Shabat).

    Anders Branderud



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