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Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

What was Father's Day like for you?

I was blessed to be with all three of my teenage kids and to be appreciated by them. The highlight of my day was my 16-year old daughter taking me on a 6 mile hike in the hills and celebrating by sharing a smoothie afterward. She suggested this because she knows how much I enjoy hiking in nature and praying. We talked about many things ranging from teenage boys to the scenery to God.

It's a special thing for a parent when your child takes initiative to say "I love you!"

I did this for my father by having him over for a meal and affirming him before my family with a number of examples of how he has blessed me in my life. (This is a tradition in our family for birthdays and other celebrations. My wife or I get the ball rolling by saying, "Let's all say something we appreciate about ________." Or, "What have you noticed about __________ that you admire.")

For you this may have been a hard day due to hurts with your father or disappointments with children.

But all of us have the same Heavenly Father and he loves us perfectly! Sadly, it's easy for us to overlook our Father God and neglect to bless him with words of appreciation, taking initiative to spend time with him , doing a special kindness for him.

I've found that God likes it when I smile and call him my "Abba" - and I like it too!


  1. Can't wait for the day I can crawl up into my Heavenly Father's arms and stay there in the comfort and safety of His love and rest.

  2. I believe strongly that all discoveries and "inventions" are God inspired. I believe He gave mankind the intelect to find ways to
    invent or search out all we have and therefore I pray a 'Thank-you' to Him everytime I hear of a medical cure or treatment.

    Certainly there are some terrible uses made of some discoveries or inventions but all things can be made positive or turned to foul use. But that is Mankind not God.

    I pray that He will inspire me and all mankind to find the positive uses and turn our backs on any temptation to use a discovery or invention for ill.

    I can always find something to thank my "Abba"
    and I also have to confess in prayer to Him when I know I have done or thought something He would not be pleased with.

    His forgiveness is something I can almost feel as I sense a calmness after my praying.

    It is not Father's day or 'Abba Day' just yearly. I am trying to remain focused on thanking Him everyday!

    He is blessing us now

  3. I should qualify my earlier comment, that is I believe all discoveries and "inventions" intended for 'good' purposes are God inspired.

    Just thought I needed to clarify my perspective. Some inventions were created by persons not for purposes that God/Jesus would like! However I believe medical breakthroughs and most inventions or discoveries were for a good purpose and as I wrote, in some way, God inspired or planted a seed in the mind of the innovator I believe.


  4. No doubt that God is the author of inspirations - "every good and perfect gift comes from above" (James 1:17).



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