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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Building a Life

I've been building a library with desks and bookcases in the loft of our home. This includes computer workstations for our kids.

I loved designing this. I also like working with the wood. But the painting and staining and touch up is a real drag! And there are so many pieces to fit together right - a few times I've had to re-do whole sections which was quite discouraging!

Years ago I learned that the reality of completing a project is so much more difficult than the idea of it. When I start out I can see what it'll look like in my mind, but completing the project takes so long! It's hard for me to be patient with the process.

Life is the same. Moving from a dream to a reality is a process. What's helping me to be more patient and to find more meaning in the process of whatever I'm building is to put God first.

So I seek to listen to God's dreams for me, work on the project with him by being prayerful as I do it, and accept that however the project goes (it seems there are always disappointments and frustrations!) it's an opportunity for me to learn from Jesus.

May Jesus be the Master Builder in our lives and may we find meaning in assisting him.

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