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Monday, October 5, 2009

In Jesus' Name

Probably you offer many prayers "in Jesus' name." What does this mean?

To pray in Jesus' name is to pray by and for him, with his strength and for his purposes.

Names in the Bible always refer to the character behind the name. So to pray in Jesus' name is to pray with and for his character, to pray in the way that he prayed and for the purposes that he prayed.

Imagine how it would change our lives to do that!

Have you ever studied the way Jesus prayed? He often went away by himself to seek the Father alone. He used the Psalms. He was quiet. He waited to make decisions and he listened. He acted on what he discerned from the Father. He learned how to do whatever he did as an expression of prayer.

Today there are a lot of "experts" giving us advice to solve all sorts of problems (many of them are psychologists like myself). We wouldn't need most of these "solutions" to improve our lives if we simply learned this one thing: how to pray in Jesus' name.


  1. Thank you for teaching us how to pray like Jesus prays!

  2. Thank you DrBill. Always a joy to receive new light about our Saviour. Indeed, even in prayer Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life.

  3. I loved this video I came across, particularly the last 10 minutes on prayer and the studies of results. Not to be too academic but fascinating the studies done and results.

    With His Love particularly as we celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada this weekend..J-M



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